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Evaluating Wood Contractors and what to look for in a subcontractor

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Frequently Asked Questions about Finding the Best Wood Contractors

I’m a GC, how should I be leaving a testimonial and evaluating Wood Contractors?

General Contractors should typically be checking a Wood Contractor's past job performance and what other GCs have said about them. As a GC on a residential or commercial project, it’s important to know and trust the people on the project whether you hired them directly or not. GCs should be checking testimonials and pictures of a Wood Contractor's past work but also their past payment efforts. Did this Wood Contractor hire a supplier or a sub-subcontractor on a past job or will they on this job? If they do, it’s critical for you as the GC to know how that Wood Contractor's has paid their vendors in the past. Not checking a Wood Contractor's payment to a sub-sub or supplier could result in a filed mechanics lien on the project that can delay project completion or hurt a GCs relationship with the property owner. You can check a Wood Contractor's past job performance on the Levelset subcontractor profiles including testimonials from other GCs.

I’m a supplier, what should I care about in the Wood Contractors I work with?

As a supplier, analyzing a Wood Contractor's risk are critical to keeping low outstanding accounts receivables. Suppliers should be looking at industry reports, credit reports, talking to other suppliers who have worked with the Wood Contractors, reading testimonials, and checking past payment performance. Doing thorough research and risk analysis could mean getting paid when you expect it or waiting months for the money you’re owed.

How can I check for references for a Wood Contractor?

There are a few ways a company can check for a Wood Contractor's references. You can ask the company directly to ask for past customer references; any reputable company with a good track record can easily share some people you can reach out to. You can also google testimonials about the company’s past quality of work. You can also use Levelset’s Payment Profiles to see a company’s past job and payment performance including what their payment process was, how communicative they were, and how to best work with them.

What should I be looking for in my Wood Contractor?

First, customers and vendors should be checking for a Wood Contractor's quality of work. Look on the company’s website or on review sites for examples of their past work. Second, you should be asking about their payment process. If a payment problem comes up, do they communicate and answer the phone? Do they send preliminary notices to make sure everyone is aware they’re on the job and transparent about their work? Do they make the payment process easy by communicating upfront what you need to do? The best Wood Contractors not only do great work but are also great project partners by making the payment process smooth and easy for everyone.

How can I find the best Wood Contractors?

There are a few ways to find the best Wood Contractors to work with. First, you can check industry reports and industry awards given to great Wood Contractors companies. Second, you can check third party awards and websites that aggregate Wood Contractors information (like Levelset). Lastly, while not an award, the best way to find the best Wood Contractors is to ask in public forums or in your neighborhood social media groups who people have worked with in the past, what they liked, and what they disliked.

How do I check a Wood Contractor's license?

The more sure proof way to check for and verify a Wood Contractor's license is to look it up on your state government’s website. Most state government websites have this information publicly available and free for anyone who wants to check. Alternatively, many third-party websites also collect and publish this information. You can also check for a contractor’s license status and license number on the Levelset Payment Profiles.

How can I check if my Wood Contractor filed a permit on the job I hired them for?

Like licenses, permits are public information so you can check for a filed permit on your job by visiting your local county recorder office or county recorder website. Permits are public information and you can browse filed permits. Alternatively, you can find them on third-party websites like Levelset. Wherever you check for permits, be sure to check where the permit information is coming from and how the company is aggregating some of this information. The best third-party websites make finding permits easy and have a relationship with the county recorder offices, getting this information directly from the counties.

Visit Our Frequently Asked Questions Page

Recent Wood Contractors Testimonials from other Construction Companies

Excelente pago y rápido y seguro

a year ago

Long standing subcontractor in the Los Angeles market who has always paid....even before the GC has paid them.

2 years ago

They're ok to deal with. Much better this time around. We've had some issues with getting change orders approved and paid.

3 years ago

Great and on time

4 years ago