
John Ramer Painting Job history

John Ramer Painting has worked on 181 projects over the years. Read more about how they compare to other subs in their state, past job performance, and more.

Project Monitoring0 Project


12 months


industrial average

Protected Projects




Unprotected Projects




Reported Slow Payment




Projects With Liens




John Ramer Painting Project and Payment History

State / County Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

11425 W 59TH ST S, Tulsa, OK 74133

    Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

    JOHN M 698-1702 CALL JOHN FOR, Tulsa, OK 74101

      Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

      John M# 698-1702 Call John For Approval Before Anyone Can Charge, Tulsa, OK 74101

        Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

        9820 E 42ND STREET 4TH FLOOR, Tulsa, OK 74101

          Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

          Dove School, Tulsa, OK 74012

            Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

            10453 BLAINE 102, Tulsa, OK 74101

              Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

              Blaine 102, Tulsa, OK 74101

                Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                BLAINE 102 9820 EAST 41ST ST, Tulsa, OK 74101

                  Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                  JOHN M 698-1702 CALL JOHN FOR, Arrow, OK 74011

                    Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                    John M# 698-1702 Dove Sinces School, On Account, OK

                      Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                      JOHN M 698-1702 CALL JOHN FOR, Account, OK 73027

                        Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                        4115 S 101ST E AVE, Tulsa, OK 74101

                          Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                          Dove School, Tulsa, OK 74101

                            Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                            4115 S 100th Ave E, Tulsa, OK 74146

                              Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                              Material Return 10444 Dove School, Tulsa, OK 74101

                                Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                Dove, Tulsa, OK 74101

                                  Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                  JOHN M 698-1702 CALL JOHN FOR, Tulsa, OK 74012

                                    Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                    6019 E 620 RD, Locust Grove, OK 74352

                                      Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                      10214 Granite Ave, Tulsa, OK 74137

                                        Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                        Osage, Avant, OK 74001

                                          Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                          Grant 101, Tulsa, OK 74137

                                            Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                            10178 OSBI, Tulsa, OK 74101

                                              Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                              Grant 101 4110 S 100th E Ave, Tulsa, OK 74137

                                                Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                                10171 OSBI 4110 S 100TH E AVE, Tulsa, OK 74101

                                                  Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                                  Osbi, Tulsa, OK 74101

                                                    Waiting for payment from John Ramer Painting

                                                    Get Cash Today
                                                    Is your invoice taking long to get paid?

                                                    Send an Invoice Reminder. Other contractors send an invoice reminder 15 and 25 days after sending an invoice.

                                                    Have an overdue invoice?

                                                    Send a Notice of Intent to Lien to push for payment and avoid a mechanics lien. A notice of intent to lien results in payment on more than 95% of projects.

                                                    Payment History Summary

                                                    Recent Payment Performance

                                                    No projects in the last 12 months had any reported payment issues by other contractors.

                                                    Payment Performance Over the Years

                                                    According to available information, there were no reported projects in 2023.

                                                    2022 - 100%

                                                    2021 - 100%