All Star Electric Inc. is an Electrician based in La place, Louisiana. They’ve worked on 7 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.
All Star Electric, Inc. was founded by Louisiana natives Tim Blanchard and Todd Trosclair. Combined they have more than 60 years of experience as certified electrical contractors. As a company, All Star Electric has grown from just five employees to one of the largest and most respected electrical contractors on the Gulf Coast. Blanchard and Trosclair attribute they company’s solid reputation to a strong dedication to customer service, a constant focus on safety, an undeniable commitment to local communities, and a loyal and supportive team. All Star hires the best electricians, enhances their skills, and provides endless growth opportunities.
1208 Bert St
La Place, LA 70068
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Resources for Suppliers of All Star Electric Inc.Below you can find the job history overview of All Star Electric Inc.. Learn more about jobs All Star Electric Inc. has worked on by exploring the full job history.
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