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Premier South Roofing & Sheet Metal

Premier South Roofing & Sheet Metal Reviews

1 other project partners have reviewed their experience with Premier South Roofing & Sheet Metal for an average of 5 stars out of 5. 1 property owners, general contractors, and suppliers also included specific feedback. Read about their experience, what they enjoyed, and the constructive feedback they wanted to share.

What other contractors are saying about working with Premier South Roofing & Sheet Metal

How would you describe their payment process, speed, and policy?

Very friendly employees, every step of the way! Beautiful work and in a timely fashion. I've referred them to many friends and family who have had the same experience! Payments are really easy! They offer a "no fees charged" policy for credit card payments at the business or over the phone. They allow checks & the job manager will even come get it, if needed. Like any business, large cash payments were not advised for safety reasons, but would take them if that's all that could be done. They even have an option for financing! My Dad always told me: Cheap labor isn't skilled, but Skilled labor isn't cheap! Surprisingly, their prices are very fair compared to other quotes I've seen. I've also seen jobs done by other companies that gave low prices & cut corners everywhere they could. Then saw those folks regret their choice of contractor, because of the issues later on caused from cheap labor & materials. Premier South is a really great company!!!

a year ago
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Review Ranking


Premier South Roofing & Sheet Metal ranks in the top 60% of U.S. contractors based on vendors' experiences.

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