Gothic Landscape is a Drafting and design contractor based in Valencia, California. They’ve worked on 49 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.
A man’s word is his bond. Every contact between Gothic Landscape and a customer is a promise to deliver the job the client expects and deserves. Every interaction between Gothic’s family of employees …
27413 Tourney Rd Ste 200
Valencia, CA 91355
On average, 5 companies rated Gothic Landscape with mostly positive feedback on past and ongoing construction projects.
Following up with them about payment can be a bit messy, but they have never argued with us about payment. They always pay.
They're straight forward with how to pay and pretty easy to get a hold of we need to.
We were paid in full within 2 weeks after the mechanics lien was filed.
What are you looking to do?
Resources for Suppliers of Gothic LandscapeBelow you can find the job history overview of Gothic Landscape. Learn more about jobs Gothic Landscape has worked on by exploring the full job history.
Gothic Landscape was awarded these awards from Levelset as a nationally recognized contractor for outstanding performance.
733 other companies are following
Sends Preliminary Notices
Requests Preliminary Notices
Sends Lien Waivers
Requests Lien Waivers
See detailsHere are the 5 companies Gothic Landscape most often works with:
Usually 5% retainage in Nevada. See typical retainage by State for Gothic Landscape.
Others typically said they were paid on invoice from Gothic Landscape. See what were common payment terms.
Typical days to payment not yet collected for Gothic Landscape.
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