
Trumark Homes Colorado LLC

Property Owner / Public Entity

Trumark Homes Colorado LLC Past Projects and Payment History

In the last 12 months, Trumark Homes Colorado LLC has worked 103 projects. Below you can find how they have handled payment on projects, how they compare to others in the state, and a detailed payment performance breakdown.

Project Monitoring103 Projects


12 months


industrial average

Protected Projects




Unprotected Projects




Reported Slow Payment




Projects With Liens




Payment Performance Summary

Lien History




Trumark Homes Colorado LLC has had 0 liens filed on projects this year and 20 in recent years.
Active Liens
  • Colorado20
Of the 20 liens filed, Trumark Homes Colorado LLC has 20 active liens in Colorado.
Lien Value
0 - 50k
50 - 250k
250 - 500k
500k - 1 million
1 million +
Of the liens filed, most of the lien values were for work between 0 - 50k.
Liens by State
  • Colorado20
Of all 20 liens filed in recent years 20 were in Colorado.

Trumark Homes Colorado LLC Project and Payment History

Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

8882 Whiteclover St, Littleton, CO 80125

    Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

    1719 Branching Canopy Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

      Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

      1710 Branching Canopy Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

        Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

        1714 Branching Canopy Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

          Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

          8906 Whiteclover St, Littleton, CO 80125

            Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

            8894 Whiteclover St, Littleton, CO 80125

              Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

              5851 Kilbeggin Rd, Timnath, CO 80547

                Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                1732 Barefoot Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                  Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                  1734 Beachside Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                    Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                    1585 Winter Glow Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                      Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                      1579 Winter Glow Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                        Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                        1733 Beachside Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                          Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                          1735 Barefoot Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                            Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                            8888 Whiteclover St, Littleton, CO 80125

                              Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                              8912 Whiteclover St, Littleton, CO 80125

                                Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                1589 Winter Glow Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                                  Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                  1671 Sundown Run Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                                    Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                    1711 Branching Canopy Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                                      Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                      1715 Branching Canopy Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                                        Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                        8918 Whiteclover St, Littleton, CO 80125

                                          Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                          1707 Branching Canopy Dr, Windsor, CO 80550

                                            Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                            1724 BAREFOOT DR, Windsor, CO 80550

                                              Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                              1728 BAREFOOT DR, Windsor, CO 80550

                                                Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                                1720 BAREFOOT DR, Windsor, CO 80550

                                                  Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at

                                                  1285 Blanton St, Timnath, CO 80547

                                                    Waiting for payment from Trumark Homes Colorado LLC

                                                    Get Cash Today
                                                    Is your invoice taking long to get paid?

                                                    Send an Invoice Reminder. Other contractors send an invoice reminder 15 and 25 days after sending an invoice.

                                                    Have an overdue invoice?

                                                    Send a Notice of Intent to Lien to push for payment and avoid a mechanics lien. A notice of intent to lien results in payment on more than 95% of projects.

                                                    Payment History Summary

                                                    Recent Payment Performance

                                                    100% of projects in the last 12 months had no reported payment issues by other contractors.

                                                    Last 12 months - 100%

                                                    Payment Performance Over the Years

                                                    According to available information, 100% of projects in 2023 had no reported payment incidents.

                                                    2024 - 100%

                                                    2023 - 100%

                                                    2022 - 76%

                                                    2021 - 100%

                                                    General Contractors they work with

                                                    Suppliers they work with