
Red Mailbox LLC Past Projects and Payment History

In the last 12 months, Red Mailbox LLC has worked 4 projects. Below you can find how they have handled payment on projects, how they compare to others in the state, and a detailed payment performance breakdown.

Project Monitoring4 Projects


12 months


industrial average

Protected Projects




Unprotected Projects




Reported Slow Payment




Projects With Liens




Payment Performance Summary

Lien History
There are no reported Active liens.

Red Mailbox LLC Project and Payment History

State / County Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

447 Scodella St SW, Palm Bay, FL 32908

    State / County Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

    426 Tuloma Ave SW, Palm Bay, FL 32908

      State / County Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

      538 Higgs Ave NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        238 SILVER FROST ST SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 10/31/2023
        • First known event: 10/31/2023

        Residential Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        1059 WINDMILL ST SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 09/19/2023
        • First known event: 09/19/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        561 Wicker Rd SW, Palm Bay, FL 32908

        • Last known event: 07/26/2023
        • First known event: 07/26/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        1689 Tibbets St SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 07/26/2023
        • First known event: 07/26/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        1682 Waneta St SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 07/07/2023
        • First known event: 07/07/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        860 Reardon St SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 07/07/2023
        • First known event: 07/07/2023

        Residential Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        2584 Rayburn Ave SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 07/07/2023
        • First known event: 07/07/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        2990 SE Fiske Rd, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 05/08/2023
        • First known event: 05/08/2023

        Residential Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        2763 SE Flintstone Ave, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 05/08/2023
        • First known event: 05/08/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        1351 SE Washburn St, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 05/08/2023
        • First known event: 05/08/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        2782 Wright Ave SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 03/27/2023
        • First known event: 03/27/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        370 SE Dadeville St, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 02/27/2023
        • First known event: 02/27/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        496 SE Paigo St, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 02/27/2023
        • First known event: 02/27/2023

        Residential Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        1625 SE Colorado St, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 02/27/2023
        • First known event: 02/27/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        400 Tobias St, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 03/02/2023
        • First known event: 03/02/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        1461 SE Traverse St, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 02/07/2023
        • First known event: 02/06/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        2920 SE Fears Rd, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 01/24/2023
        • First known event: 01/24/2023
        • Last known event: 01/24/2023
        • First known event: 05/19/2022

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        2613 SE Tolman Ave, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 01/19/2023
        • First known event: 01/19/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        324 SE Dailey St, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 01/13/2023
        • First known event: 01/13/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        1063 SE Pappas Rd, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 01/10/2023
        • First known event: 01/10/2023

        Commercial Construction Project by KJB Construction Group at

        953 SE Turquoise St, Palm Bay, FL 32909

        • Last known event: 01/10/2023
        • First known event: 01/10/2023

        Waiting for payment from Red Mailbox LLC

        Get Cash Today
        Is your invoice taking long to get paid?

        Send an Invoice Reminder. Other contractors send an invoice reminder 15 and 25 days after sending an invoice.

        Have an overdue invoice?

        Send a Notice of Intent to Lien to push for payment and avoid a mechanics lien. A notice of intent to lien results in payment on more than 95% of projects.

        Payment History Summary

        Recent Payment Performance

        100% of projects in the last 12 months had no reported payment issues by other contractors.

        Last 12 months - 100%

        Payment Performance Over the Years

        According to available information, 100% of projects in 2023 had no reported payment incidents.

        2023 - 100%

        2022 - 100%

        2021 - 100%

        General Contractors they work with