Property Owner / Public Entity
In the last 12 months, Enclave At Baristo has worked 0 projects. Below you can find how they have handled payment on projects, how they compare to others in the state, and a detailed payment performance breakdown.
12 months
industrial average
Protected Projects
Unprotected Projects
Reported Slow Payment
Projects With Liens
Commercial Construction Project by GHA Companies at
Owner Occupied Residential Construction Project by GHA Companies at
901 E Tahquitz Canyon Way Ste B200, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Commercial Construction Project by GHA Companies at
297 Vista Terrace, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at
80852 ROYS COURT LOT 7, Indio, CA 92201
Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at
80862 roys court lot 6, Indio, CA 92201
Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at
80882 Roys Court Lot 4 Elemento, Indio, CA 92201
Commercial Construction Project by Aqua Plumbing at
901 E Tahquitz Canyon Way Ste A200, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Commercial Construction Project by GHA Companies at
vista terrace hermosa drlots 1-318-23 tract 37245, Palm Springs, CA PHS3
Commercial Construction Project by GHA Companies at
vista terrace lots 7-14 hermosa drlots 27-30 tract 37245 models, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Commercial Construction Project by GHA Companies at
241 S Hermosa Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Residential Construction Project by GHA Companies at
Tract 37245 All Lots Corner Of Baristo Road And Hermosa Drive, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Commercial Construction Project by GHA Companies at
262 Vista Ter, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Residential Construction Project by GHA Companies at
283 Vista Ter, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Commercial Construction Project by GHA Companies at
281 Hermosa Pl, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Residential Construction Project by GHA Companies at
277 Vista Ter, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Commercial Construction Project by GHA Companies at
263 Vista Terrace, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Residential Construction Project by GHA Companies at
tract 37245 lots 7-9 12-14 27-29 e baristo & hermosa drive, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Residential Construction Project by GHA Companies at
1100 EAST BARISTO ROAD AND 297 VISTA TERRACE, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Commercial Construction Project by GHA Companies at
e baristo rd & s hermosa dr enclave, A, CA 92262
Send an Invoice Reminder. Other contractors send an invoice reminder 15 and 25 days after sending an invoice.
Send a Notice of Intent to Lien to push for payment and avoid a mechanics lien. A notice of intent to lien results in payment on more than 95% of projects.
100% of projects in the last 12 months had no reported payment issues by other contractors.
Last 12 months - 100%
2022 - 100%
2021 - 100%