Property Owner / Public Entity
In the last 12 months, Castle Rock Homes has worked 0 projects. Below you can find how they have handled payment on projects, how they compare to others in the state, and a detailed payment performance breakdown.
12 months
industrial average
Protected Projects
Unprotected Projects
Reported Slow Payment
Projects With Liens
Construction Project by unknown general contractor at
Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at
16014 W Cinnabar Ct, Waddell, AZ 85355
Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at
1229 E Secretariat Dr, Tempe, AZ 85284
Commercial Construction Project by unknown general contractor at
16014 W Deanne Dr, Waddell, AZ 85355
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6500 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6508 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6536 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
3879 county road 2208, Greenville, TX 75402
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6611 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6566 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
3847 county road 2208, Greenville, TX 75402
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
Lot 6, Lone Oak, TX 75453
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
3815 county road 2208, Greenville, TX 75402
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
106 S Seventh St, Celeste, TX 75423
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
3863 county road 2208, Greenville, TX 75402
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
3379 Cr 2208, Greenville, TX 75402
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
3831 county road 2208, Greenville, TX 75402
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
3271 CR 2508, Greenville, TX 75402
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
104 7th St, Celeste, TX 75423
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6551 Oakpoint, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6552 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6580 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6595 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6619 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Commercial Construction Project by Hobbs Plumbing DBA H & R Plumbing at
6596 Oakridge Ct, Royse City, TX 75189
Send an Invoice Reminder. Other contractors send an invoice reminder 15 and 25 days after sending an invoice.
Send a Notice of Intent to Lien to push for payment and avoid a mechanics lien. A notice of intent to lien results in payment on more than 95% of projects.
100% of projects in the last 12 months had no reported payment issues by other contractors.
Last 12 months - 100%
According to available information, there were no reported projects in 2023.
2021 - 100%