
Owner Occupied Residential Construction Projects in Los Angeles, California

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77 filtered results

Owner Occupied Residential 

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
7Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
3Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

4488 Vista Superba St, Los Angeles, CA 90065

  Project inLos AngelesCalifornia
  Last Known GC:  unknown general contractor

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
3Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
0Prelim Notices
1Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
1Prelim Notices
1Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
5Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

144 S Bentley Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90049

  Project inLos AngelesCalifornia
  Last Known GC:  unknown general contractor

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
0Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
1Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
3Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

3460 W 7th St, Los Angeles, CA 90005

  Project inLos AngelesCalifornia
  Last Known GC:  PAR Construction Inc. (CA)

Recent Activity:
1Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
3Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
4Prelim Notices
44Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
20Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
4Prelim Notices
2Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
1Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
1Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
6Prelim Notices
9Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
3Prelim Notices
1Lien Waivers

415 N Rockingham Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90049

  Project inLos AngelesCalifornia
  Last Known GC:  unknown general contractor

Recent Activity:
1Permit Filled
1Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers