
Right to Lien Questions

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Right to Lien
All States
I started working on a project as a consultant. Working with subs, Architec, engineer, sending important information since last October....Read More
Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentFeb 26, 2020
MinnesotaMechanics LienRecovery OptionsRight to Lien
We placed a lien on a property we worked on recently due to lack of payment. The customer has now served us, claiming we may be violating Idaho code
45-525. If this is required, we may just be doing that as I never completed this form. We did file a notice of lien.
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Anonymous Subcontractor
1 answerAdd commentSep 20, 2021
IdahoRight to Lien
I have a customer who is doing a job for the government (IRS). I've already filed a lien on the control portion of it and now there is some parts that weren't
paid for up front. Can I add the parts on to the lien filed for the controls or do I have to do a separate for the parts? I want to make sure that I h...Read More
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Anonymous Material Supplier
1 answerAdd commentMay 18, 2020
New MexicoMechanics LienRight to Lien
I am a subcontractor and we performed a big flooring installation in a commercial building and the company who hired us are not paying us with the total
amount! It’s has been 90 days already since we completed the job . This job was done in the state of Colorado.
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Tatiana Bertoluci
4 answersAdd commentMay 27, 2022
ColoradoRight to Lien
Property manager has been lying that payment would be maid soon but already over 90 days of deadline of lien....Read More
Anonymous Subcontractor
1 answerAdd commentJan 8, 2019
GeorgiaLien DeadlinesMechanics LienPayment DisputesRight to Lien
I purchased a vehilce from nissan 1 day after having surgery. They charged me 2 times what their compay lists the price as, And would not put me in the
vehicle I wanted. they wouldnt even let me look at the vehicle I wanted. Can I file lien on the company or truck?
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Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentMar 18, 2019
TexasRight to Lien
My boss who is not a designer, is the proprietor of the shop were I work. He rendered services accumulating over 20 billable hours, plus travel time back and
forth from Market. He has sent over a bill to clients for said services. The clients refused to pay because they never signed any contract and ulti...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentJul 14, 2019
FloridaRight to Lien
I have a customer that slander my business on social media site where I do 100 of my advertising. It has hurt me financially. And she refused to pay me. Can I
add damages to the claim I just filed?
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Anonymous General Contractor
1 answerAdd commentNov 15, 2020
GeorgiaPrompt PaymentRight to Lien
I constructed a fast food restaurant in a strip shopping center where the franchise owner only rents and does not own the space. We completed the project
12/27/2019 and the franchise owner is nickel and diming both our subs and us to death Most subs have been paid a reduced amount due to the o...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentApr 16, 2020
MarylandMechanics LienPayment DisputesRight to Lien
Does a demolition/moving company (hauling away jobs site materials after demo) have lien rights? If so, no NOI was filed to the owner. We are located in
Washington State
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Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentJul 15, 2020
WashingtonRight to Lien
We were hired directly by a public school and we went to send a preliminary notice and found out that's not possible since we're technically the GC in this
situation. We just want to make sure that we're not going to miss any timelines in case getting payment becomes a problem later on. Is there an...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
3 answersAdd commentJul 11, 2018
WisconsinPreliminary NoticeRight to Lien
Consulted with a new nightclub at the Rio casino Las Vegas and myself and all of my subcontractors have not been paid. Final invoice was delivered oct 27....Read More
Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentNov 15, 2018
NevadaRight to Lien
I'm a subcontractor, I completed all the flatwork for a new construction home. I have done multiple projects for the General over the last 3 years without any
problems. This project they took my invoice and modified it, claiming they don't pay for incidentals, or materials used on their projects other tha...Read More
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Porter Ericsson
1 answerAdd commentJul 30, 2022
IdahoConstruction AccountingConstruction ContractLien on FundsMechanics LienNotice of CompletionPrompt PaymentRight to LienSlow Payment
If there are no paper contracts can the guy cutting down my trees on my property file a mechanical lean on me ...Read More
Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentJul 8, 2020
KentuckyConstruction ContractMechanics LienRight to Lien
K&B Home and Land Preservation have been sent Sub Contractor waver of lien agreement. Since noterized we have not received a response from the
contractor. Our actual agreed upon pay date was Oct 2nd, 2020. Every payment previous was exremly late, as well. We need to know how to mo...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentOct 5, 2020
TexasConstruction ContractLien WaiversRight to Lien