This is going to be an Accord and Satisfaction question but let me give some background. I am a small residential concrete finishing business in Ohio. The customer requested a quote to put a concrete skirting/patio around their new in-ground pool after the customer had backfilled the existing excav...Read More...Read More
Government project overseas. All subcontractor and sub-subcontractor work performed in the USA. GC paid subcontractor for all of sub-subcontractor's work and finished materials. Subcontractor refuses to pay sub-subcontractor. Sub-subcontractor makes Miller Act claim notice. GC responds th...Read More...Read More
We recently filed a mechanics lien against a client. Unfortunately he sold his land in August. Today a legal company has called to talk to an officer of our company. The owner asked that I reach out to see if we should call back . We dont know if the company is working for the client or what their intentions are....Read More
The work related to the lien I am filing was done in Multiple Units throughout a Condo building...but technically the company I was doing the work for was working for the Home Owners Association, not the individual units. The HOA is providing Internet and TV to all the units in the building, and my ...Read More...Read More
Hi I hired a general contractor to redo my bathroom, and do a walk in shower. I requested a signed contract but he ignored my request, but furnished me with a detailed estimate. The floor of the tiled shower was not pitched right, neither was the shower threshold, and water was pooling. He redid it...Read More...Read More
I constructed a fast food restaurant in a strip shopping center where the franchise owner only rents and does not own the space. We completed the project 12/27/2019 and the franchise owner is nickel and diming both our subs and us to death Most subs have been paid a reduced amount due to the o...Read More...Read More
I had a construction contract in which the government included the payment of taxes. In the end he did not want to pay us. The project was outside the US. This was 2 years ago. I need advice to claim that payment....Read More
Hi I hired a contractor to perform a job on a driveway/sidewalk. We did not sign any contracts. At the beginning of a job I paid him half the money in cash (forgot to ask for a proof). Village required both pre-pour and final inspection. Final inspection failed because the sidewalk is above the house fou...Read More...Read More
I received a car from the widow of a customer in exchange for money owed for work done on the customers fabrication machinery of which I was owed 10 times of what the car was worth. The title was missing and the car had multiple problems of which I have spent time and money to repair myself....Read More...Read More
My contract with the general contractor doesn't contain any penalties for not meeting the project schedule. It does however contain arbitration language should the parties be unable to settle a dispute. The project was scheduled for completion 4-5 weeks from the start date. The project is 17 weeks...Read More...Read More
I was working in the ac company and when i was olmost finish the job i no recieve a payment and i buy somematerial but the contractor that i work he no claim the money for a general so im in the air can i claim togeneral...Read More
Our customer is acting as their own general contractor on the job to try and save money. On our final invoice for our scope, she shorted us 70% of the final invoice value ($39k). She wrote on the check that "By cashing check, contractor accepts this as payment in full". She provided her list of reasons ...Read More...Read More