We provided consulting and design services for a project in California and we haven't gotten paid. Construction is about to get started. We've already filed a Notice of Intent to File a Lien. What is our next step? ...Read More
Scenario: Architect designs plans for a townhome development. He charges a 1/2 to get started, and the remaining once the plans are done and stamped. The client doesn't receive the plans until they pay. This townhome development being funded by an individual investor plans to build 35 units. To ...Read More...Read More
We have a client who has a number of small odd jobs on their home and really just wants an architect to review (maybe occasionally provide a drawing or sketch) and wants to hire us on an hourly basis. However, without defined scope, it is difficult to specify what construction documents or details w...Read More...Read More
Hello we selected an architect to design our house and provide floor plans. However, since initially working with the architect he has not provided any design feedback or helped us on designing. He has asked us to provide for him exactly what we want for him to draw. The contract for this project was s...Read More...Read More
ATPAI needs to file a lien on a project that has multiple locations. How do I pin point an address when it is running through multiple cities in public right-of- way. We want to lien the project not a specific location....Read More
I have been doing freelance work for a company. I have a full-time job, and I do freelance graphic design work on the side. I signed a new contract with a design company in October, 2019 to do work on an hourly basis, as needed. In their contract, it says this for payment. "FEE. For services to be r...Read More...Read More
A professional land surveyor has filed a lien against my client. I’ve been hired to properly complete the original contract which the first surveyor has not satisfactorily completed ...Read More
We received a retainer based on our contract. We completed the project, billed the client, but the client refused to pay the bill, offered less. During a two month time where they would not answer my emails or texts, except a very briefly and inadequately, I learned that they did not ever sign my ori...Read More...Read More
Hello, We are condo owners in museum park. We hired a design company and their recommended contractor to renovate our bathroom. It is 6 months since demolition and we cannot complete the project due to a bad design, inaccurate measures etc. The original contractor has pulled out of th...Read More...Read More
The developer received the permit from my drawings, and the single family residence is under construction. He is a year and a half late on satisfying an invoice for changes to the design. He paid half of the invoice, and still needs to pay the other half. I did not agree to him paying half the invoice, ...Read More...Read More
We have two design-build contracts with a client for the same property, and in our contract there is a termination clause that states if the contract is terminated by the owner for their convenience it would be subject to a 30% termination fee of the remaining balance after the fees due for work...Read More...Read More
Hi. The information on the site is helpful but it’s confusing. The site says designers have the same rights as contractors and if they are hired directly they are considered dp’s. Yet, in all the questions regarding interior designers, the answers seem to be that the courts do not recognize designers rights t...Read More...Read More
We are an engineering firm, looking to file a Design Lien. I am having trouble finding the actual form for one. Are they the same form as the Mechanic's Lien. Also, I have read that these can only be filed on private projects only. We are looking to file one with a home builder company. Is this something ...Read More...Read More
I have a logistics company and I want to run ads on the Internet and on TV. What kind of ads would be suitable for this? I can't imagine what the video should be about in order to attract clients....Read More