
Virginia Mechanics Lien Questions

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Mechanics Lien
I used Levelset to record a lien on our behalf (record no. BK 10638 PG 0588 - Instrument #230002945) in February of 2022. We have since billed for work not
recognized at the time the lien was recorded. Can we amend the lien by increasing it for the additional amount billed?
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Anonymous General Contractor
1 answerAdd commentApr 27, 2023
VirginiaMechanics Lien
I work like subcontractor in this project, supply windows and doors. In the terms and the payment I should receive final. 25% after delivery. The GC asked me
can I start installation because he got some issue with owner, so it’s really help him to collect the payments. Fortunately, it’s not happen. He pay ...Read More
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Anonymous Subcontractor
1 answerAdd commentApr 16, 2023
VirginiaMechanics Lien
My residential construction agreement in VA was canceled by the client for what I believe to be no cause. I did not have a contractors license when the
agreement or when two separate financial draws were givin to me ($23k & $76k). It was understood that I was working on getting the license an...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentDec 4, 2022
VirginiaConstruction ContractMechanics Lien
In the state of VA... if I have completed the work without a contractors license, can I get one after the fact in order to file a lein? I do have LLC and liability
insurance. Around $7k is owed to me
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Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentDec 4, 2022
VirginiaLicensesMechanics Lien
LT Holdings was placed on the lien in error, they are requesting a retraction document immediately or they will go to an attorney. The Levelset researcher
found them as the owner, but it was incorrect.
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Tara Lysek
1 answerAdd commentNov 15, 2022
VirginiaMechanics Lien
I'm a material supplier - delivering to a HUD project in Virginia. The GC that I'm working with has been slow to pay. We are current now, but coming to the
last delivery and expect it will take more than 90 days to be paid. I want to be prepared to file the lien, but can I file a lien on a HUD project?
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Anonymous Material Supplier
1 answerAdd commentNov 14, 2022
VirginiaMechanics Lien
I'm a material supplier who filed a mechanic's lien in Virginia due to non payment from the subcontractor. The GC is now wanting the lien removed and the
subcontractor has paid. We issued a lien release but the GC is asking the subcontractor to remove the lien from the county. How is that done?
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Anonymous Material Supplier
2 answersAdd commentOct 13, 2022
VirginiaMechanics Lien
We are a material provider that has not received payment yet for this project. We are working on resolving the issue, but can we file a lien to protect our
payment since our 90 day period from last day supplied is almost up?
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Anonymous Material Supplier
Waiting for answerAdd commentSep 20, 2022
VirginiaLien DeadlinesMechanics Lien
Hello. A company is threatening to file a mechanics lien against my home. They were contracted through our home insurance provider. The home
insurance representative has sent the company an email disputing their work, double charges on some items, and inaccurate measurements/ch...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
Waiting for answerAdd commentAug 19, 2022
VirginiaConstruction ContractMechanics Lien
We have just signed on with Levelset and have many projects near completion. With that said, a couple are behind on payment. We want to ensure protection
but aren't sure if the Preliminary Notice is what we should be sending and if it's worth sending at this point of the project.
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Anonymous Subcontractor
Waiting for answerAdd commentAug 10, 2022
VirginiaLien DeadlinesMechanics LienNotice of Intent to Lien
I am a licensed HVAC installer and put in a system for a home which is closing Aug. 19. I was contracted by another contractor for the install which included
the materials (which I paid for) and labor. I was supposed to receive payment upon completion by this contractor/Company however, he is not re...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentAug 9, 2022
VirginiaMechanics Lien
I am president of a homeowner's association. A few home owners have not paid the assessments (one for three years) for annual fees as outlined in the
association agreement. They have not replied to notices sent to them.
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Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentJul 27, 2022
VirginiaMechanics Lien
We are a Sub-Contractor based out of NJ who worked on a commercial project in Virginia. The date of completion and our invoice date are 01/272022. We
did not send out a notice of furnishings (did not know procedure). The General contractor is refusing to pay us.
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Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentApr 11, 2022
VirginiaMechanics LienNotice of Intent to Lien
started work in 5/26/2020, client paid $5200 to start work but hasn't a paid 2021 or 2022 invoices. Last invoice was on 2/28/22 and is due upon receipt.
Balance is now $17k.
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Blake DeMarr
2 answersAdd commentMar 21, 2022
VirginiaConstruction ContractMechanics Lien
Hi , i am subcontractor starter paver job in Virginia Beach, Virginia on April 4, 2022 and finish May 14,2022 , was general contractor doing
landscaping and me subcontractor doing concrete pavers the customer payed the materials but not the labor cost which they owe...Read More
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Anonymous Subcontractor
Waiting for answerAdd commentJun 3, 2022
VirginiaMechanics Lien