
Texas Questions

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I have a project that is a school, that has a bond, but I also have a bond from the GC, how do I file against both of them, or at least get them on my notices?...Read More
Anonymous Subcontractor
3 answersAdd commentMay 27, 2020
TexasBond ClaimsMonthly NoticePayment Bond
In a Private Texas commercial project (public school addition), is notice due 90 days after MY scope of work, as a sub, is completed...or is it 90 days after the
whole project is deemed completed? The word "completed" is used often for notice and bond/lien required dates...are these deadlines starting f...Read More
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Anonymous Subcontractor
3 answersAdd commentJul 19, 2022
If retainage is not withheld in the prime contract with the Owner, can the General Contractor withhold 10% retainage on the subcontractor invoices/draws?...Read More
Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentJul 24, 2020
Lien filed in 2019, I received notice today that the deadline to file action to enforce the lien or release the lien is in one week. Customer has not paid anything
to us and no action has been taken on this since the original lien was filed. We do not usually work in Texas, so we are not familiar with the laws. ...Read More
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Sonja Flockhart
1 answerAdd commentFeb 2, 2022
We signed a contract with a builder to build my house for $300,000. Construction started in September. We have paid $250,000 and still have about $50,000
left before our construction is complete. The contract we signed had allowances for things like tile, fixtures, and septic. Today he told me prices h...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
3 answersAdd commentMay 11, 2021
I purchased a vehilce from nissan 1 day after having surgery. They charged me 2 times what their compay lists the price as, And would not put me in the
vehicle I wanted. they wouldnt even let me look at the vehicle I wanted. Can I file lien on the company or truck?
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Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentMar 18, 2019
TexasRight to Lien
I am an 18-year-old female looking to start my own construction/reconstruction business that will focus on low-income families/areas, i want my business to
focus on houses, yard work, schools, homeless shelters, food banks, rehabilitation centers, housing for children stuck in the foster system that ha...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentNov 3, 2020
TexasConstruction Contract
I am a junior college student working on a presentation looking for a simple explanation that anyone could understand, possibly with some examples. As well
as what/how are a surety's obligations defined and a breakdown of the penal sum of a performance bond.
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Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentNov 12, 2021
TexasConstruction Contract
I had a construction contract in which the government included the payment of taxes. In the end he did not want to pay us. The project was outside the US.
This was 2 years ago. I need advice to claim that payment.
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Anonymous Contractor
3 answersAdd commentJan 1, 2021
TexasConstruction ContractPay ApplicationsPayment Disputes
K&B Home and Land Preservation have been sent Sub Contractor waver of lien agreement. Since noterized we have not received a response from the
contractor. Our actual agreed upon pay date was Oct 2nd, 2020. Every payment previous was exremly late, as well. We need to know how to mo...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentOct 5, 2020
TexasConstruction ContractLien WaiversRight to Lien
Can I still file a lien? This is a commercial job, im the subcontractor doing electrical work. ...Read More
Patricia Monteverde
2 answersAdd commentMay 10, 2022
We finished up physical work on a job on March 4 as a subcontractor of a subcontractor (Call them RL) under a GC (call them AB) for a commercial project.
Our client RL was finally was able to get onsite to do a final walkthrough and sign off on our work on April 8. They still owe us about $6k per the ...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentJun 4, 2021
TexasLien Deadlines
I had a customer who paid for 4 new shower enclosures and mirrors installed 10/19/2019. I just received a chargeback from american express telling me job
was never completed. Job was paid in 3 seperate charges using Amex. This is a lady preacher building her new 5k sq ft home. Job was completed...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
1 answerAdd commentMar 2, 2020
TexasRight to Lien
The company that is manufacturing my steel building (not building it just suppling the steel framing) wants paid in full before they will deliver all the steel.
Does the Texas retainage law apply to the steel manufacturing company. They are not the contractors just the steel supplier. And we have had pr...Read More
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Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentMar 1, 2021
I am a senior year civil engineer at the University of Texas at Austin taking a course in construction contracts administration....Read More
Anonymous Contractor
2 answersAdd commentNov 5, 2020
TexasSchedule of Values