I did for some work for a contractor out of Castle Rock,Co., but the job location was in Watford City, ND. He sent me home for the holidays and was supposed to have called me back when job was ready to start back, but never did. I found out that he bought in another crew to finish my work. My contra...Read More...Read More
We are a GC, with a project in North Dakota. We completed all contract/change order work in June and have some punchlist work to complete in September once we are able to receive the materials needed to do the work. I can't find anywhere if punchlist work can be basis of determining last date pr...Read More...Read More
I own a UPS Store that was to be modernized. The construction time was supposed to be five weeks long. Because of delays from the manufacturer of cabinets and various components needed to complete the project, the construction is still not complete (one month PAST the original completion ...Read More...Read More
Hello, I wanted to get a lien Check on a Construction company I am thinking about doing business with. How much do you charge to do a mechanics lien search on a company?...Read More
Can I file a lien as a subcontractor? We are unsure who the actual owners of the home are, but were hired by a contractor, would we send the lien to the contractor then?...Read More
I put a lien on a job that I worked in December I am the sub subcontractor and the sub we did the job for wasn't paying, we decided to stop when we were half way in that 5th floor. That's when Pace painting the contracting company told me they would pay me directly. We continued and finished and...Read More...Read More
We hired a gentleman to clean up our basement after the septic backed up. We asked about how much he said less than $800. During this time he asking could he stay at the house during the winter. Its empty were fixing it up. He said he would stay there and we pay him $1000 a week plus free pla...Read More...Read More
Work was not performed and other work was not performed satisfactorily . Now the construction company has said they will fike a lein what is my recourse?...Read More
Can a Siding Contractor put a lien on my house when there are issues to be repaired and he won't repair them? What can I do if he puts a lien on my house when the siding job was a terrible and unacceptable? He also will not write up a contract that says he will repair the issues....Read More
We decided to lien an ongoing job because it appeared to be ending in the near future. Shortly after we filed the lien, it appears the job will go longer. The invoices on the lien were paid, but there are now several more invoices that are going unpaid. Are we able to add the more recent invoices to th...Read More...Read More
If I have a construction mortgage and had work done on my driveway but inspection says work isn’t complete according to the signed submitted contract that the contractor submitted to them. Can he place a lien on my home?...Read More
I see in your online material that you have indicated that Equipment Supply co's only have mechanics lien rights if in direct contact with the property owner. Which section of the North Dakota Code is this for reference? Also, does this same principle apply in the case of an oil and gas lien? If so, is there...Read More...Read More
We have a job we are providing materials for. However, the shipment address is the same as the business that is buying the material, instead of the jobsite where the material will be used. I'm not sure how to enter this into Levelset....Read More