Hola tengo un caso de construccion soy un subcontratista y el contratista antes de terminar el trabajo me despidió sin pagarme el dinero por el trabajo realizado hasta esa fecha, el motivo por el cual me despidió fue precisamente para no pagarme lo que me adeuda por el trabajo realizada, de ig...Read More...Read More
We sent a lien notice on an Arkansas project. The notice was correctly sent to everyone required to receive it, and the notice itself was correctly prepared...except for this one small mistake. Arkansas preliminary notice laws require that all notices contain the "NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNE...Read More...Read More
I am trying to understand what I can use for the first & last furnishing date as an engineering firm. We work across most of the states, and I want to understand what date I need to Put into Levelset to begin tracking my noticies. We sign a contract with our customer and may not begin on draw...Read More...Read More
The buddy/ licensed / insured/Bonded contractor I was working for messed up a homeowners kitchen last weekend. I was off work but Monday am the homeowner terminated the contract. The house was 3/4 finished and nothing was paid to me. The contractor said he had received nothing as fa...Read More...Read More
My company usually does work in apartment buildings and is not required to provide pre-construction notices. However, we are currently owed money by a real estate agent for work done at a single-family home that is for sale. She has stopped answering our calls and emails. I think I have determine...Read More...Read More