I am a steel subcontractor working on a public job in Alabama. I have two separate "contracts" for this job. A purchase order for the steel materials and a subcontract for the steel field erection services. The GC has had all kinds of problems on this job and is likely facing some liquidated damages. As such they are looking for every possible pocket to back charge including mine. No matter how false the claims, they are using a "throw it against the wall" approach and see what sticks. Yesterday the informed me they are holding payment until they can confirm or argue many of their so called "back charges" for delays.
So, I would like to file liens to protect myself. (a) do I need to file separate liens for the PO and the subcontract? I would think I would? (b) I currently have billing that is 20 days past due and more coming due in about 15 days. Can I only file for the past due amounts or should I file for all amounts due?
Thanks,...Read More
I have a general contractor refusing to provide the payment bond information after sending the request certified mail. what to do next? they owe my company roughly $250 K. ...Read More
We were on a hurricane relief project in the US Virgin Islands.
FEMA - Funded the project
FEMA reimburses VIHFA (Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority) after
VIHFA pays contractor
VIHFA pays AECOM (large engineering firm)
AECOM pays their subcontractor
That subcontractor pays our employer
Our employer pays us
The work we did was on hurricane damaged houses owned by individuals. The
property we worked on was NOT owned by the government.
AECOM's subcontractor is required to have a payment bond.
1. Is AECOM's subcontractor's payment bond governed by the Miller Act?...Read More
We have had several public private projects where the state provides the land/buildings and the private entity will provide the funds to construct/remodel for affordable housing or other ventures. But mainly affordable housing similar to apartments/condos. We have several write offs because we attempt to pursue commercial rights but can not then we attempt to acquire bond information only to be told there is none. It is a bit infuriating....Read More