Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>When a lien is contested what action needs to be taken and what is my time line to dos in the state of Georgia?

When a lien is contested what action needs to be taken and what is my time line to dos in the state of Georgia?

GeorgiaMechanics Lien
Anonymous Contractor

I have a lien on a residential property the customer filed a contest of lien. What do I have to do now and how long do I have to do it before the lien is no longer any good? Can I file a suit in small claims court?

4 replies

Attorney at Jon A. Gottlieb, P.C.
| 28 reviews
Aug 6, 2020

If you are the lien claimant and the property owner or a contractior has filed and served upon you a Notice of Contest of Lien, the 12-month period in which to file your lawsuit to perfect the lien is shortended. This means you must file your lawsuit to perfect the lien within 60 days of your receipt of the Notice of Contest of Lien. If you fail to meet this timeline, your lien with be extinguished.

5 people found this helpful
Yanet Martinez
Feb 20, 2022
What paperwork needs to be filed to have a lien extinguished?
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Mike Brownley
Jul 5, 2022
What recourse does Anonymous contractor (above) have if the 60 day window is missed? Has the contractor missed their chance to sue homeowner?
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john dany
dev at kanesmithjs
Jul 6, 2022

I'll be reading more of your blogs, I promise. I just learned about the game five nights at freddy's and I'd love for you to play with me when you have some free time. 

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