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What is the definition of project completion in VA?


We filed a lien in Virginia on May 5, 2023. We are a material supplier. I see in Virginia, in order to enforce a lien, an action to enforce a mechanics lien must be initiated within the later of 6 months from date lien recorded or 60 days from the completion or termination of the project. What is considered the completion or termination of a project? We made and delivered windows for the project. Is it when they were delivered? Or when they were installed? Or when the entire building is complete? Please advise.

1 reply

Jun 22, 2023
Thank you for reaching out to the Levelset legal community. If you are in need of specific advice for a current legal situation, you may want to consider reaching out to a licensed attorney in your state directly at their office. This forum is public, so it may not be the right place to discuss a sensitive legal issue. Levelset provides a list of attorneys in each state here: . From that directory you may find a law firm in your area to call privately.
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