If I understand correctly in the state of Missouri, as long as it is filed five days prior to the closing, then I am covered. Is that correct? Who do I need to notify that there is an attempt to lein on the property?
If you have lien rights then you can proceed to file a lien as soon as practicable. If the property is being sold, there may be other prudent steps to take depending on the details. Please let me know if you would like us to evaluate your situation and assist with the filing of the lien.
So you guys help me file my notice of intent to lean and it stop the closing, so when do I file or when can I have you guys file the actual lien itself?
Give me a call at the number below and I will get you into the system and check for conflicts. As long as we do not already represent the other party, I will get you set up with an attorney to file the lien and explain the cost and the process.
We will also need to make sure that you took the proper steps at the outset in order to preserve your lien rights which is something we can discuss when you call.
Aaron Prenger
Spencer Fane
1000 Walnut, Suite 1400 | Kansas City, MO 64106
O: 816.292.8365