I have a project where the general contractor has been kicked off months after our scope of work was completed and they are not paying the final bill. I don't think I can file a lien because it is a fire station owned by the county. I am looking into if it is possible to file a bond claim but it says I only have 90 days after the claimant’s last furnishing labor and/or materials to the project. It has been 105 days since we were last on site. I had no reason to know there would be any problem until yesterday when I was told by another subcontractor that the general contractor was kicked off the project. Our subcontract says the general contractor has to notify us in writing if that happens but they never did. Regardless, the county has asked us to come back for a few minor issues with our scope of work but I am hesitant because I'm not sure if we will ever see the money owed by the general contractor. If we go back to clean up the minor issues, will that reset the 90 day clock and give us the ability to file the bond claim?