Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>We have 1 year to go after bond from last delivery date but is there something we can do before that to help get paid?

We have 1 year to go after bond from last delivery date but is there something we can do before that to help get paid?

AlaskaBond Claims

We are contracted directly with the General Contractor in Alaska on a public job. From my understanding, a prelim is not required when contracted directly with GC. We have 1 year to go after bond from last delivery date but is there something we can do before that to help get paid?

1 reply

Apr 9, 2019
Great question. First and foremost, you are on the right track. However, the deadline to submit a Bond Claim in Alaska is 90 days from the last date of furnishing labor and/or materials. No preliminary notices are required for bond claims in AK, but in some cases a Notice of Bond Claim is. One exception to this is if the contractor directly contracted with the General Contractor. As far as any actions a contractor can take beforehand, a great option is a Notice of Intent to Make a Bond Claim (for a free downloadable template click here). This should be sent to the GC, and to increase visibility it can also be sent to the contracting public agency and even the surety if known. This is a proactive measure to warn the interested parties that if non-payment occurs, they are willing and able to submit their bond claim. This voluntary notice is a great way to increase communication and bring awareness to a contractor's concerns. For some additional resources, you can also visit the Alaska Bond Claim Overview page.
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