Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>We completed a punch list item at no charge a month after the original job was completed. Does this count as labor & materials being supplied to the property since liens have to be filed within 90 days of the work in Georgia?
We completed a punch list item at no charge a month after the original job was completed. Does this count as labor & materials being supplied to the property since liens have to be filed within 90 days of the work in Georgia?
Worked on a property 09/18 & 09/19. Almost $12K worth of work. Went back out on 10/23 for punch list/warranty work. Signed a lien waiver for the $12K on 11/06.
That's a good question. The Georgia mechanics lien statute does not specifically address whether punch list or warranty work will work to extend the deadline to lien. However, when punch list or warranty work is performed, typically, that work will not count to extend the mechanics lien deadline. Rather, the timeframe for filing a lien will be based on the claimant's last substantial work performed on the project. zlien discusses that idea in this article: What’s the ‘Date Labor or Materials Last Delivered’ and How Can I Prove It?
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