
Unpaid invoice

New JerseyPrompt Payment
Anonymous Contractor

I did a job in New Jersey Newark to be exact and I was called in on an emergency flood situation at a apartment building I was a sub contractor for a hasidic Jewish contractor I did the job it cost me money and I haven't been paid and I've been goi g back and fourth with the guy for 3 years the bill is for 100k plus he's told me it's in appeal and alot of excuses I have everything from emails to pictures to texts and I've been on top of him what do I do to get paid I'm sure Intrest would be added

1 reply

Shareholder at Marin Goodman LLP
| 1 reviews
Feb 18, 2022

Sometimes, unfortunately, it takes a strong attorney letter in order to get action and achieve resolution. From your post, it seems clear that you are going to need that extra boost. Such a letter would present the facts, law and your rights and end with a demand and a threat of litigation (assuming you did not sign off on arbitration only), citing claims to be asserted.






I’d be happy to discuss that with you, tomorrow/Friday, after 10:30 a.m. My direct line is (914)412-7261. If I miss a call, I’d be able to call you back pretty quickly, tomorrow.






I’ve been in practice over thirty years, twenty-nine with Budd Larner, P.C. in Short Hills, NJ where I was a partner. That firm dissolved after eighty-five years in existence in 2019. Since then, my firm is based in Harrison, NY and I largely practice out of Berkeley Heights, NJ.

My comments are offered as guidance only and are not legal advice and do not establish an attorney-client relationship. It is always wise to engage and
consult an attorney on legal matters, whether substantive or procedural.See More...
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