
Unpaid balance

GeorgiaCash FlowCollectionsCredit ManagementPayment Disputes

We still have not been paid on this job. Finished over a year ago. Looking for advice/action

7 replies

Dec 29, 2020

I am assuming that you have not filed a lien. In that case, the most effective way to get paid is to have an attorney send a strongly worded demand letter to your customer with your claim for the principal due, interest and threatening that you will seek attorney's fees unless prompt paymet is made. Please contact me if I can provide further guidance.

3 people found this helpful
Dec 30, 2020

Place the claim with a licensed and bonded commercial collection agency member of CCAofA that can collect the account without having to spend any upfront money and only earns a fee if sucessfully collects the account. For free quote or free referral to the CCAofA list email me Best regards getting your money, Steve

2 people found this helpful
Jun 23, 2021

As a credit manager, my first question is "what have you been doing so far to collect this money?" I am all for utilzing attorney demand letters, lawsuits, collection agencies, after I have chased the debtor down and not been able to get them to the table. Call, text, email the debtor, keeping it professional, reguarly. Follow up. If you leave a message on monday, no response within 24 hours, reach out again. Squeaky wheel. Get there attention. If that doesn't work absolutely bring in the big guns, but you first line of defense (and collections) is to stay on it. Remember, you are not begging, this is your money, you earned it and you had a deal. You expect them to live up to their end of it.  

4 people found this helpful
Oct 16, 2022

 Find your boss and claim your salary right away diggy or find a lawyer to defend your rights and quit. good luck

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Nov 3, 2022
I have been working on a construction project and i have unpaid payment, which has been late for more than 6 month and know my client wants to breach the contract ....what kind of claime shall i ask regading to the unpiad payment and also the moral compansation cause the client need me to stop the work asap with out any defect or delay caused by me?? whats your advice
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Jun 29, 2023

Thank you for sharing your expertise so generously.

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Aug 30, 2023

I also have the same issue. I nee your help. So, when you post some information, I appreciate a lot. It is good for me. 

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