I worked on a project for 8 months, it was the in-laws home that needed some repairs in order to be put on the market to sale after their passing. I worked with my soon to be ex-husband on the project. It was a verbal agreement that if i helped him getting this house ready To be sold- when it did sell- he would give me $10,000. The house sold Nov.1,2022. I have not heard a peep from him in regards to me being paid. A few months back he made a statement that he was giving me anything, that i owed him for other things that he started to rattle off. These things he stated had nothing to do with this house and besides....i dont feel that i owe him anything to be honest. With that being said- this verbal was for the job not by monthly payments as the examples show. What do i nees to do here to get my money? He also had me charge stuff on my home depot account with assurance of being paid. 1300.00 be be exact. Not one penny haw been applied to that.