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rights of property owner in Tennessee?

TennesseeConstruction ContractMechanics LienPayment Disputes
Anonymous Contractor

Does the property owner of property being liened have an opportunity to respond to the lien if it is not warranted? In my case, the contractor gutted my house without my permission, and therefore did not fulfill his contract with me to deliver a turn key home ready for rental. What recourse do I have?

1 reply

Levelset Admin at Levelset
| 988 reviews
Aug 10, 2020
Yes, property owners are able to challenge mechanics lien claims against their property. It's common for an owner to dispute the amount of a lien claim, and it's also common for an owner to dispute a lien because the work was faulty or wasn't done in accordance with the contract. And, if an owner can show the lien claim was improper, they may well be able to get the lien tossed aside and could even win damages, attorney fees, costs, etc. Generally, a lien challenge will be done via lawsuit with the help of an attorney. It might also be accompanied with other claims - like breach of contract. Though, a threat letter from an attorney may be enough to persuade the claimant to release their lien before the courts come into play. In either event, having a local TN lawyer on your side would help: Top Tennessee Construction Lawyers. This article should be useful too: A Mechanics Lien Was Filed on My Property – What Do I Do Now?
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