If a company or individual does not have any type of contractors license in the State of Georgia can they file a mechanics lien or enforce a contract for payment? This question is for residential remolding in the amount of $90K in Georgia.
2 replies
Oct 14, 2021
Georgia requires a contractor's license unless the work is strictly cosmetic. It sounds like the scope of your project goes beyond that and would require a license. If so, and if the contractor lacks a valid license, the lien would be invalid and in fact the contractor would not be entitled to recover any monies. Please contact me for further assistance at rstorrs@storrslaw.com
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Oct 20, 2021
Question: if i want to build a house but i want to subcontract every dividual piece of it (example: hire licensed professional for foundation slab, hire another licensed professional for frame work etc) Can i do that without a general contractor?