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Non consensual lien on my home

OklahomaLien Releases
Anonymous Contractor

I just found out I have 3 different liens place on my house from a business I had to Short sell 5 years ago and I no longer own that business and wouldn’t work to resolve the debt awhile I had the business and now have lien on residence. The liens total close to $750k with all 3 loans but the house is only Worth $170-175k on the market and I still have a mortgage loan on it for $115k so how can I get these non-consensual liens removed?

1 reply

Levelset Admin at Levelset
| 974 reviews
Apr 16, 2020
If debts are incurred by a business, not an individual - then filing liens against the individual's property could be improper. But, considering the amounts in dispute and the number of liens, it'd be wise to consult an Oklahoma real estate attorney to find your best course of action. They'll be able to assess the validity of the liens filed on your house and come up with a plan for moving forward.  One of these Oklahoma construction lawyers might be able to help with that. If the liens have been in place a long time, though, and if they've thus far been inconsequential - standing pat might be an option - at least for the time being.
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