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Lien on unapproved contract

IdahoMechanics Lien

I have a contractor that's initial bid was $1750 for a project, they increased it to over $4,000 and are now threatening to file a lien. In addition, the initial contract was from company a, the nephews uncle's business, but the final invoice was from company b, the nephews company. What are my rights? This seems completely invalid. They're basically of the mindset that the initial quote doesn't matter and we should pay them for whatever work was completed, which apparently they can come up with whatever they want after they start work, and just put a lien on our property if we don't pay it. Company has been formed for less than a month. Basically an 8-hour job turned it into a 15 hour job with tons of extras. We're prepared to pay for some of the extras but not everything.

1 reply

Dec 13, 2021
No verbal contract
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