
Lien Due Date


We are an engineering firm. Our invoices are due NET 30. I have an invoice that was generated 1/31/23. It was DUE 3/2/23. Everywhere I have seen states "work last performed in." So do I use the generated month or the due date month as a lien due date?

2 replies

Mar 24, 2023

Count the days and months from the day the work was done. The due dates don't matter. The lien dates run from the date the labor was performed or material furnished. Generally, if you recorded hours in January, the 15th of third month notice is required by April 15. Whether you are required to give that notice depends on who you contracted with. Deadlines also change based on completion date and other factors.

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Mar 27, 2023
In Texas lien timing turns on month work performed, not on invoicing schedule.
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