
is this legal

TexasBack Charges
Anonymous Contractor

My question is: is it legal for a GC to charge me for helping me(moving material and what not) when i didnt ask them to and wasnt aware i was going to be charged?

1 reply

Sep 24, 2021


The answer to your question is not grounded in "legality" because that's a criminal issue.

The question is whether you are liable to the GC for charges assessed against you for moving when you were not aware those charges would be coming. The answer is "Probably not".

If there was no contract or any form of agreement (including oral agreement) specifying that he would charge you for those services (acting as your sub or backcharging you for assistance) then you are likely not liable to him for those charges.

E. Aaron Cartwright III

I am an attorney but I am not your attorney... yet. The information provided here does not create an attorney/client relationship.
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