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Is my lien void without the model disclosure statement


I never filed a model disclosure statement, is there any chance king in moving forward on my lien or will it be thrown out? Work was started and completed 05/56/22

3 replies

Aug 19, 2022

It is a requirement you needed to have executed by the owner of the home prior to starting the work, if the work exceeded $1000 in value for residentials. Your lien may not be accepted and even if it does get accepted by the county, the homeowners will have a defense to reject the lien basesd on your failure to get the disclosure signed. Also keep in mind, L&I penalty may apply.  

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Aug 23, 2022
Unfortunately with the disclosure statement, you can't enforce a lien.

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Apr 17, 2023

Depends if it was a commercial or residential project, whether the contract price was over $60,000 and whether your contract was with the property owner. It may be that no pre-lien notice was required.


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