Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Insurance check for roof has 3 names for signature ,homeowner, roofing company and mortgage company, roofing company cashes check for 25,000 without not have co.pany knowledge and or apptovzl

Insurance check for roof has 3 names for signature ,homeowner, roofing company and mortgage company, roofing company cashes check for 25,000 without not have co.pany knowledge and or apptovzl

FloridaPayment Disputes
Anonymous Contractor

Insurance company issued a check in the amount of 25,000 for a new roof damaged in storm,co.pany that was.hired to put on the roof has stopped work, many excuses, and cashed the check without my mortgage company's signature, the company was not made aware of the check. Presently wondering what to do. I reside in the Tampa bay area, 69 year old.disabled veteran help.

1 reply

Levelset Admin at Levelset
| 988 reviews
Aug 14, 2018
I am terribly sorry to hear that. First, when using a joint check, the bank should likely not have cashed the check without the signature of all necessary parties. Reaching out to the insurance company to discuss how this could have happened might be a good first step. They may be able to reach out to the institution who cashed the check to discuss what happened. Further, explaining what has happened to the mortgage company may help as well. Ultimately, though, considering such a large sum of money is at issue, it's probably a good idea to reach out to a local attorney for help. You may be thinking "A lawyer is too expensive!", but there are often cheap or free legal services available for veterans, disabled individuals, and those who otherwise cannot afford to reach out for legal help. Here are a few services in your area that either may be able to help, or might be able to connect you with someone else who can help: Bay Area Legal Services, Veterans Advocacy Clinic, and Gulfcoast Legal Services. Finally, the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Commission has compiled this list of Legal Services for Veterans in Florida.
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