Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>In a contract-owner dispute, what can the owner do if the contractor refuses to fix a major error.

In a contract-owner dispute, what can the owner do if the contractor refuses to fix a major error.

CaliforniaConstruction ContractDefectsPayment DisputesSubstantial Completion

Contractor made a major mistake when the employee did not follow the manufacturers instructions installing HardieBacker in a walk-in shower. There is an ongoing dispute and contractor refuses to go to mediation as required in the contract. Contract is not yet paid in full. Can the owner terminate the contract and hire another contractor to do the job?

1 reply

Apr 29, 2022
Termination of a construction contract is a situation that should be looked at carefully, with the assistance of a lawyer experienced in construction disputes. You may consider filing a complaint with the Contractors State License Board, or to make a claim on the Contractor's license bond. If you are located in Northern California, I may be able to help you.
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