Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>If I am just past the deadline to file by 2 months, what are my options as a subcontractor on a commercial project?

If I am just past the deadline to file by 2 months, what are my options as a subcontractor on a commercial project?

TexasMechanics Lien
Anonymous Contractor

If I am just past the deadline to file by 2 months, what are my options as a subcontractor on a commercial project? Work was completed August 15th. Final invoice certified letter was sent mid December. Contractor has cut all communications and does not respond to phone calls, emails or written notices. What are my options?

1 reply

Feb 8, 2022

Thank you for your question. If you have missed your lien deadline, you still have a breach of contract claim against the contractor with whom you have a contract. I recommend speaking with an attorney about sending a demand letter and possibly filing a lawsuit against the contractor.

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