Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>If I am applying an epoxy resin flooring to garage floors for a new business, do I need to get a licenses?

If I am applying an epoxy resin flooring to garage floors for a new business, do I need to get a licenses?

FloridaConstruction Contract
Anonymous Contractor

I am wanting to start a small business applying epoxy resin mixed with polymer to garage floors. I am basically doing a home improvement with a non-combustible product. Do I need to get a contractors license to do so?

6 replies

Jul 19, 2020
There is no statewide license for painting, which is what this is closest to. But some local jurisdictions require painters to obtain local licensing. Check with your local building department.
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5 people found this helpful
Anonymous Contractor
Question Author
Jul 19, 2020
Thank you so much. I’m still a little confused. Is a local license and he same as an occupational license?
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Jul 19, 2020
No - an occupational "license" is really just a tax. It has nothing to do contractor licensing. You need to check with the local building department about local CONSTRUCTION licensing requirements.
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4 people found this helpful
Anonymous Contractor
Question Author
Jul 19, 2020
Thank you. Have a blessed day.
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Aug 19, 2023

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Samuel Collier
developement at kanesmithjs
Aug 22, 2023

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