Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>I work in the facilities Department of a univerity in Pennsylvania. Our Tenant(A deli) is having a floor installed over the existing floor. They have paid the contractor in full for all materials and service installation. In our lease agreement it specifies that the tenant shall deliver copies of a Waiver of Lien to the landlord along with evidence that such Lien Waiver has been duly filed with the Pronothotary prior to commencement of work or delivery of materials. Can someone tell me which is the correct form to use/fill out? I am filling it out fot the General Contractor to release the university from all responsibility of payment for any materials and services. also, Does this form need to be notarized? I am not sure how to file with the Prothonotary.

I work in the facilities Department of a univerity in Pennsylvania. Our Tenant(A deli) is having a floor installed over the existing floor. They have paid the contractor in full for all materials and service installation. In our lease agreement it specifies that the tenant shall deliver copies of a Waiver of Lien to the landlord along with evidence that such Lien Waiver has been duly filed with the Pronothotary prior to commencement of work or delivery of materials. Can someone tell me which is the correct form to use/fill out? I am filling it out fot the General Contractor to release the university from all responsibility of payment for any materials and services. also, Does this form need to be notarized? I am not sure how to file with the Prothonotary.

PennsylvaniaLien Waivers
Anonymous Contractor

I work in the facilities Department of a university in Pennsylvania. Our Tenant(A deli) is having a floor installed over the existing floor. they have paid the contractor in full for all materials and service installation. In our lease agreement it specifies that the tenant shall deliver copies of a Waiver of Lien to the landlord along with evidence that such Lien Waiver has been duly filed with the Prothonotary prior to commencement of work or delivery of materials. Can someone tell me which is the correct form to use/fill out? I am filling it out for the General Contractor to release the university from all responsibility of payment for any materials and services. I do not know how to go about filing with the Prothonotary. Please advise(Time sensitive) Thank you.

3 replies

Levelset Admin at Levelset
| 988 reviews
Sep 6, 2018
I'm glad your project went off without a hitch! When a job is complete and payment has been made, a final unconditional lien waiver is probably the most appropriate. Once signed, this waiver waives all lien rights for the given project and certifies that all payments have been made. As far as filing with the prothonotary - doing an online search for your local prothonotary then calling them may help clear up requirements for filing the lien waiver. Typically, filing is a relatively simply process and can be accomplished by either bringing the document in by hand or mailing the document with instructions to file. Regardless of how the lien waiver arrives at the prothonotary's office, it will be important to include the proper amount for filing fees - and calling the prothonotary should be able to clear that up as well. As far as forms go - zlien provides an online final unconditional lien waiver form for Pennsylvania here: Pennsylvania Final Unconditional Lien Waiver.
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Abby Schneider
Developer at IBSD
Mar 20, 2023

A lien waiver is a legal document that releases the owner of a property from any potential liens that may arise as a result of work done on the property. In this case, the tenant should provide the university with a lien waiver to protect the university from any potential liens that may arise as a result of work performed by the contractor. By the way all this I know from here for when I was doing my studies at law college I had to do a lot of writing, I also had a lot at the civil rights movement field, this gave me a very big knowledge base, if you find it interesting you can go in and read, I think you will phase answer many questions. 

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Elena Kolisey
Lawyer at B&B
Aug 29, 2023

It's an interesting idea that money can't buy happiness. But it can buy everything that the process of understanding happiness gives you. Now, it is difficult for me to choose which educational institution to work in, because the average pay for a college graduate is not very high, but here it is indicates what to look for when choosing a job. By the way, my opinion is that if you take on additional projects, you will have enough for everything.

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