After the lien was created, I was contacted for payment and I received it. How do I stop the Lien now?
you need to file a satisfaction. If you did the lien through level set, they should have a satisfaction form.
It depends on where you stand. If you're a general contractor, and this was a subcontractor that liened the project, you need a lien satisfaction signed by the subcontractor. In the future, never pay first, do a simultaneous exchange of payment in exchange for a lien satisfaction/waiver, etc. It sounds like you've given up your leverage.
Hi Austin,
Thank you for the reply. I am the subcontractor, so therefore I would be filing a lien satisfaction, correct?
Yes, if you're getting paid, the status quo would be they pay you in exchange for a signed and executed lien satisfaction, etc. If you want to save time and money, tell them you'll give it to them fully signed and executed, but they have to file it after check clears. If you found my answer helpful, please feel free to review me, thanks! Good luck.
I would be cautious when handing over an orginal satisfaction for them to record - in exhange for a check that may or may not clear. I'm not an attorney & this is not counsel or advice.