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I need a lawyer to accept the filing

New York

I worked for a company named Tag Marshall. they build golf course hardware and software for golf courses, I installed everything for them and haven't received payment, Level set informed me that i need a lawyer to accept the docs due to my company not being a New York company. I understand that this isn't a construction job. I'm just down to the wire and 7 days have gone by during this process with me not knowing what to do and them helping me. I hope i have explained this correctly.

2 replies

Aug 25, 2022

To get some clarification... Who owes you the money? Is it your customer, or is it your employer? If it's your customer, then I can help, upon reviewing the contract with your customer. If it's your employer, then you will need an labor lawyer, which is an entirely different analysis. (I still might be able to help, but it depends on the terms of your employment.)

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Aug 26, 2022
What documents are you referencing?
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