Our GC placed a mechanic's lien on our property in Colorado 1 year ago and has not taken any further action. We have not paid the lien amount for a number of reasons (construction defects, invalid C/O, etc). From what I understand, the lien has now expired and is presumably unenforceable but still remains of record. What is the process for removal? Does the GC need to remove the lien? If so, what if he refuses to release it?
The process to remove it, if the GC is unwilling, is through the court to obtain an order releasing it. Feel free to call the office to discuss the process. 7205007855.
The question is whether you really need to remove it. As noted, you can file an action to remove it but what really matters is if this is necessary. If you plan to sell or refiance soon, the title company would likely want the lien removed. If that is not your plans in the near future, the fact that the lien is of record is likely of no impact to a sale, refinance, so on.