
Haven't got paid

OregonBond ClaimsPayment Disputes

Could you get back to me please so a contractor subed out work to a sub, that sub hired me for some work, then the contract or gave me more work him self, the contract or isn't paying the sub for my work and isn't paying me for my work so the sub isn't paying me for my work as well the debt I'm owed is 9.7k for my labors I have a wa license and worked in Oregon what do I do? I'm based out of Washington so is the contractor but work was in Oregon

2 replies

May 21, 2021
In addition to your lien rights, prior to filing suit you should let a certified commercial collection agency licensed and bonded in your State collect the debt on a contingency bases so you are not throwing good money after a bad account. Feel free to contact me with additional questions. Best regards getting your money, Steve
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May 28, 2021
Yes you can contact me for collections at 800-955-3989. Best regards, Steve
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