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Does an LLP not have to notarize or sign a lien waiver

MississippiLien Waivers
Anonymous Contractor

I have a vendor that supplied granite invoice of $500 and they told me they don't have to notarize or sign a lien because they are a LLP and are exempt.

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Levelset Admin at Levelset
| 986 reviews
Oct 16, 2018
Under the Mississippi mechanics lien statute, lien waivers must be notarized - regardless of the business type of the party submitting the waiver. In fact, the required forms built into the Mississippi mechanics lien statute (under § 85-7-401) have notary blocks built in. Regarding whether or not an LLP needs to provide lien waivers in the first place - nothing in the Mississippi lien statute seems to indicate that an LLP should not exchange lien waivers like other construction businesses do.
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