Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Does an intent to lien notice extend my lien rights in the state of Nevada?

Does an intent to lien notice extend my lien rights in the state of Nevada?

NevadaNotice of Intent to Lien
Anonymous Contractor

I have a job at 90 days - if my customer is going to pay in 7 days - can I send out an 14 day intent to lien letter and extend my 90 days?

1 reply

Levelset Admin at Levelset
| 974 reviews
May 24, 2018
That's a good question, and in a state other than Nevada, the answer would typically be "No." However, on Nevada residential construction projects, sending a Notice of Intent to Lien will actually extend the mechanics lien deadline by 15 days pursuant to NRS § 108.226. It's worth noting that, for residential projects, a Notice of Intent to Lien must be sent prior to filing a mechanics lien anyway. Otherwise, a mechanics lien filing will quite likely be deemed valid and unenforceable if the lien is challenged or an attempt to enforce the lien is made.
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