I started a marijuana grow business little over a year and a half ago with people I've been down there at least working 40 hours a week every week for almost the last year and a half I'm a licensed electrician so I did all the electrical work and furnished muscle material on the job then one day when I was out of town they called to tell me that they're giving me $20,000 and want me to walk off and be done with it basically because they're having a guy that's taking my place I refuse the $20,000 so now they don't want to pay me anything I did not get any other in writing but I can get it on recording then while I was out of town they signed contracts between all them and cut me out of the business so can I still Sue if I can't prove for the business can I still Sue and get money for labor and parts for my work how do I go about filing any mechanics Lane against the property and business