Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>DEWEY DAY LAW-Is it legal for you represent an association that was never in fact appropriately filed as one?

DEWEY DAY LAW-Is it legal for you represent an association that was never in fact appropriately filed as one?

TexasLegal Property Description

I’m just wondering if an attorney represents an association in civil court in regards to let’s say a “fence” issue…if the “association” that hired you was in fact not ever a legal or properly run operation or entity, could there be potential issues arise from such? Question for DEWEY DAY LAW!!!

1 reply

Sep 10, 2021


I'm certain that Dewey Day Law will be along shortly. I'm going to offer my thoughts in the interim.

If you have an attorney, have them file a motion to show authority and have challenge the incorporation of the entity. Your attorney may even specially except to clarify who exactly the other attorney represents.

E. Aaron Cartwright III

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