Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Client may purposely reject a certified letter knowing that we will be filing another lien against their property

Client may purposely reject a certified letter knowing that we will be filing another lien against their property


Our company already has a lien against a client's property for work performed and we are considering filing another lien for additional/separate work performed that is also unpaid. We are concerned that the client will reject the certified letter for the second lien. What is our recourse if this happens?

2 replies

May 23, 2023
If client rejects certified mail, the letter will normally be returned to you. Hang onto the returned letter as proof of service. Also, USPS logs will show receipt and refusal. This does not affect validity of your lien claim.
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May 24, 2023

Post it at the jobsite at the address shown on the notice of commencement on the permit board and take a dated picture with a cell phone. Also hire a process server to attempt to serve

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