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Can we amend a lien in Texas?

TexasMechanics Lien
Anonymous Subcontractor

We decided to lien an ongoing job because it appeared to be ending immediately. Shortly after we filed the lien, it appears the job will go longer. The invoices on the lien were paid, but there are now several more invoices that are going unpaid. Are we able to add the more recent invoices to the lien or file a second lien? Or once we file a lien, are we blocked from filing a second lien?

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Attorney at The Cromeens Law Firm
| 10 reviews
Jun 17, 2020
Hello, If your first lien was paid in full, you should make sure you release that lien. Texas law does not allow you to amend a lien. However, you can always file additional liens for the unpaid amounts as long as you are following the timelines regarding notices and filing requirements. To ensure a valid, enforceable lien, contact a construction attorney who is familiar with liens. Feel free to reach out if you have further questions. Thanks, Kelly Stamy Associate Attorney 8431 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77024 Tel: (713) 715-7334 Privileged Attorney-Client Communication and/or Attorney Work Product: The above message and attachments, if any, are confidential and may be protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or attorney work product. The unauthorized disclosure, use, dissemination or copying of this e-mail, or any information it contains, by anyone other than the intended recipient, is prohibited. If you are not the named recipient, or have otherwise received this communication in error, delete it immediately and notify the sender at the office number listed above or by return email.
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