We are a subcontractor and are owed just under $1,400,000 from the General Contractor we did Hurrican Ian work in Florida. The work ended in November/December. They are no longer taking our calls and ignoring emails. They state that we get paid when their carrier pays them. We need to file our liens right away.
You only have 90 days from the last date you furnished materials or labor to the job to get your lien recorded. So you need to know exactly what that final date was. And, if you are a subcontractor (meaning you do not have a direct contract with the Owner), it is necessary that you sent a Notice to Owner (NTO) to the owner within 45 days of the first date you furnished labor or materials to the project. If you did not timely and properly serve the NTO, then you don't have any lien rights at this point. This does not mean that there aren't other ways to enforce payment (e.g., lawsuit agasint the GC).
You only have 90 days from the last date you furnished materials or labor to the job to get your lien recorded. So you need to know exactly what that final date was. And, if you are a subcontractor (meaning you do not have a direct contract with the Owner), it is necessary that you sent a Notice to Owner (NTO) to the owner within 45 days of the first date you furnished labor or materials to the project. If you did not timely and properly serve the NTO, then you don't have any lien rights at this point. This does not mean that there aren't other ways to enforce payment (e.g., lawsuit against the GC). You may reach out to our office to discuss. Happy to help.